Saturday, March 2, 2019

March Treasures - March Forward

March Treasures - March Forward

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             "March Treasures"
      March Forward This March……
March as a soldier in the army of the Lord this March.
March in formation with God this March.
March into your purpose this March.
March into progress this March.
March into advancement this March.
March beyond the border of your mind; out your comfort zone this March.
March out the limits you place yourself in and God in this March.
March into the knowledge of God this March.
March into the mind of God this March.
March out the wilderness this March.
March in prosperity this March.                                                                                                                                                
March into that region God’s been showing you or calling you to this March.
Traverse this March.
Be bold in prayer this March.
Pray more in the spirit this March.
Praise & worship God this March.
Go ahead and proceed this March, keep going; not giving up this March.
You have much ground to cover this March.
Oh, there is a rhythm in this March; a strong movement and sound of God this March.
Can you hear or feel the rhythm of God this March?
It’s harmonious, sweet sounding this March; harmonious in colors and the elements of God this March.
Yes, the pattern of God this March.
Oh, yes, it’s suitable for you this March.
God’s getting rid of that sympathetic problem of your mind this March.
He’s showing approval and favor towards your ideas and actions this March.
You will have great support this March.
You’ll have great leeway this March; that’s right! Freedom to move, to make decisions you never made until this March.
The time, space, room flexibility, self-determination and independence this March.
Liberty of the mind, body and soul this March.
Advancement in the Kingdom of God this March.
Marching into righteousness of God this March.
You better pick up the pace in this March.
Oh, it’s March; the month you’ll want to be in unity with God this March.
As the 3rd month of this year, the trinity is working with you and in you this March.
That’s right; the Father, Word & Holy Spirit this March and every March.
So, align yourselves and arm yourselves with God’s Word this March.
Because, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, as He still is the Word this March and every March.
Receive your healing this March; know that victory is yours this March.
So, receive the treasures of heaven this March and Glorify God in this Holy March!
True repentance this March.
Many will receive the Holy Spirit in their heart this March. Life only in the Son this March.
Baptism this March.
Your source of Love this March.
Salvation is theirs this March.
Faith to overcome the world this March.
Oh, how I love March, marching for God’s name sake this March; receiving His treasures for everlasting life this March.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon you this March.
Prophesy this March.
Destiny awaits this March!
Sincerely, God’s Servant This March!
Prophetess Annette Jordan-Franklin

March Treasures are Yes & Amen! Oh What Promises!

You're No Longer Stuck