Friday, April 19, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A Cloud of Fire

I made it a gazingstock; contended by fire, devouring a part.
A wall of fire full of glory in the midst of it.
My presence and glory the church shall desire and seek above all else.
The exiled shall return.
A call to flee from idolatry, immorality, wickedness, occult practices, and sinful ways.
I shall refine and purify; purge you in righteousness.
My judgement will be upon the sorcerers, and upon the adulterers, upon false swearers; against those that oppress hirelings in their wages, the fatherless, the widow and those who turned aside the poor.
For, I am the Lord thy God, who is the same; I change not.
When you return unto Me; I will return unto you.
Remember vengeance belong unto Me; I will recompense all.
Foundations that were built upon Me shall stand after the refining fire.
All shall enter therein, seeking I in the midst, I shall deliver thee as you enter therein.
You shall break forth into prayer and praise.
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; for he who win souls is wise.
I shall keep in perfect peace the remanant who remain steadfast and faithful: Peace; who mind is stayed on Me.
Every knee shall bow unto Me, and every tongue shall confess that I am the Lord Thy God.
You've been seeking sinful pleasures of the world, taking part in religious hypocrisy.
You have become complacent about your sins; living as though My judgement will never come.
Too comfortable in your worldly lifestyle, no longer hungering for Me; totally forsaking Me.
You should be praying over nations from their doom and gloom. Eliminating your part in the doom.
Humble yourselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from your wicked ways, so I can hear from heaven, and forgive your sins and heal your lands.
Giant edifices are not I, remember all giants shall fall!

Prophet Annette Jordan-Franklin

You're No Longer Stuck