Tuesday, May 29, 2018


At times when I speak in un-known tongues/Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit will give me the interpretation of a few words. 
Here is a word I remember speaking a few times: "Ka-mi-ya"... 

"Ka-mi-ya" is Japanese meaning: "Divine Valley". A habitational name. Extreme in fortune, health and spirituality. Beautiful. Illumination, intuition and revelation.

Divine: of, from, or like God or a god. Godly, angelic, seraphic, saintly, beautific, heavenly, celestial, supernatural, holy, excellent; delightful. Providence of God.

Valley: a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it. 

You shall ascend into the hill of the Lord; you shall stand in the Divine Valley...
A Holy Place you'll be...
A place to call upon God...
A place assigned Angels will be ascending and descending...
A place where living waters flow...
A Holy Place between you and I..
A Habitat of Glory for you to unite with Me.

Remember: " the Lord is your shepherd; you shall not want. He makes you to lie down in green pastures: He leads you beside the still waters. He restores your soul: He leads you in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
Yes, though we walk through the valley of the shadows of death, we will fear NO evil: for He is with us; His rod and staff comfort us. He prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies: thou anointest our head with oil, our cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life: and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." (Psalms 23)

There is always a "Divine Valley" of Life, full of the Heavenly! The Place Where GOD is!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thine Hand

LORD, my times are in thy hand...
My ways are not your ways, they shall continue to seek YOU...
To do good; seek peace and pursue it...
Keep my tongue from evil, and lips from speaking guile...
I shall have clean hands and a humble heart...
I shall trust and fear YOU...
I shall be graceful and merciful to all people...
YOUR love and kindness shall always appear...

LORD, into thine hand I commit my spirit!💗

Prophetess Annette J-Franklin 



Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Omission & Comission

On November 11th, 2016, I heard these words flowing through my head:

I had to commit a sin of omission, to keep form making the wrong sin of commission... for fear of making the wrong decision; do to not obtaining spiritual direction and understanding that God would help with the selection (s-election) for political correctness that would shake the nation, because media-nation wants to redefine our nation with it's leaders of satanic divination. 

Vocalization is for the voiceless to "vote", covert against wickedness in high places and governmental organizations... using spiritual weapons and creativity for our nation's salvation; preservation as the solutions to all nations, with discernment when redeeming our nation: to break the principalities and powers of Satan Nation.

We must occupy until HE come... using Kingdom principalities and power from the Heavens of our God's Kingdom Nation.... #iybiAJ

                                                                                         Prophetess Annette J-Franklin 


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

False Prophets

I shall deal with the false prophets in the midst of you, they have been like roaring lions ravening their prey; devouring many souls by using the gifts as bait; and have stolen many treasures, money & precious belongings; creating too many widows with all the violating. They are gathering, conspiring, and have profaned My holy things; putting no distance between clean & unclean, moral or immoral: have closed their eyes & hearts from honoring Me. The wolves looking & sounding as sheep are ravening prey; soaking the land with blood from prey, the place of slaughter where they play....vexing My people, creating hopelessness from the dishonest gain....I shall make restitution; for I have not spoken, for I Am The Lord God! Humble Yourselves and Pray!   #iybiAJ 

Prophetess Annette J-Franklin 

You're No Longer Stuck
