Tuesday, May 22, 2018

False Prophets

I shall deal with the false prophets in the midst of you, they have been like roaring lions ravening their prey; devouring many souls by using the gifts as bait; and have stolen many treasures, money & precious belongings; creating too many widows with all the violating. They are gathering, conspiring, and have profaned My holy things; putting no distance between clean & unclean, moral or immoral: have closed their eyes & hearts from honoring Me. The wolves looking & sounding as sheep are ravening prey; soaking the land with blood from prey, the place of slaughter where they play....vexing My people, creating hopelessness from the dishonest gain....I shall make restitution; for I have not spoken, for I Am The Lord God! Humble Yourselves and Pray!   #iybiAJ 

Prophetess Annette J-Franklin 

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